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Does a SaaS platform need video marketing for sales? How and when to use it? How profitable or, conversely, is it costly? A detailed answer is given in the article.

Video marketing for sales. Who needs it like air?

In fact, the right question is not “to whom?”, but “when?”. Every minute you think about whether or not to incorporate video marketing for sales into your product promotion strategy, you are losing customers, conversions, and money.

According to HubSpot, an American marketing platform, 54% of consumers prefer video content.

Here are some more statistics for you:

  • 90% of users admit that video helps them make buying decisions
  • 88% of website visitors spend more time on sites with video content
  • 74% of those who have the opportunity to see an overview video about the features and uses of a product are more likely to buy this product
  • 81% of companies from various areas of USA, Europe, the EU, near and far abroad already use video marketing to sell products and services

And how are things with you? Still hesitant or just getting ready to incorporate video marketing for sales into your growth strategy?

Video marketing is an effective online tool for promoting SaaS platforms

Here’s another statistic in this section: placing a video on a landing page can increase conversions by up to 80%. Isn’t that alone already a good reason to make video marketing one of the pillars of your promotion strategy? Especially if you are a SaaS platform selling software or an online subscription service to customers?

There are several very good reasons for doing this:

Video marketing for sales is a great entry point to the market

Typical situation. A new product, service, service appears on the market. For example, the online platform Alanbase.

At the initial stage, video marketing can be an excellent tool for introducing potential customers to the capabilities of the service, the mission of the company, and the products that the company offers to the market.

Video is a way of conveying information that can ensure maximum loyalty of potential customers.

If a company can provide video training on how to use its product, explain all its competitive advantages, it is quite possible that even initially skeptical users can turn into advocates and brand ambassadors in a short period of time.

In addition, video training frees up the resources of the same technical support. It is enough to give a new client a link to a video training on the capabilities of the online platform or how to make settings correctly, instead of writing, repeating, explaining everything again and again to each new client.

Video Marketing Has Huge Potential

Think about how much time you yourself spend on Youtube. Sometimes to have fun, sometimes to find video tutorials on a particular topic. You are definitely not alone in this, because the daily number of views of a wide variety of videos on this online platform is 1 billion hours! For your video, too, there will definitely be an audience. The only condition is to make video content really useful and of high quality. You can also review your company’s marketing through video and build trust with your audience.

Overview of marketing and building relationships with the audience

You can use video marketing for sales and more. Through video content, you can make a complete overview of your company’s marketing, broadcast your mission and tasks, build long-term and trusting relationships with the audience, including through video training.

And you should also remember that video evokes emotions, which is why people love watching it so much. The emotional component is appropriate to use when reviewing your company’s marketing. The secret is simple: even the most fatal failures are better told in colors, and not just in mean numbers. And, of course, you need to build your video content according to the laws of dramaturgy. This also makes it possible to take the viewer on an emotional swing.

Sales is the ultimate goal of your video marketing strategy

Whether you’re creating educational video content, making a marketing review video, shooting an image or informational video, you should always remember that video marketing for sales is the ultimate goal of any of your videos. Even if it is educational, inside it is worth selling the quality of your training. And if the video is selling, then the user needs to be told what he should do right now – it’s like on the most ordinary landing page. Only on the landing page there is a CTA button – a call to action, and in the video you can show it, and even voice the instructions for the next user actions behind the scenes.


Video marketing for sales is necessary for every company, regardless of the field of activity and form of existence.

The main question is when will you make it an integral part of your development strategy. Every minute of delay and unnecessary thought deprives you of profits, sales and customers.

Get started with video marketing right now if you want to stay ahead of your competitors!

How can I promote my SaaS product?

You can promote your SaaS product spontaneously, or you can develop a special marketing strategy.

What is a SaaS sales strategy?

This is a strategy for attracting new and retaining old subscribers to whom you sell a software or service.

Do videos increase sales?

Statistics say that 88% of users spend more time on a site if it hosts video content, and 64% make a purchase after watching a related video, and a video on your landing page can increase conversions by up to 80%.

How does video marketing work?

You communicate with your real and potential customers using video content. It can be training, presentation, information, image, selling. In any case, the production and placement of video materials should be subject to a single strategy for promoting your brand, products and services.

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